ORO Brexit Commentary V.5.0 [12/2020]
Since 2016 ORO has published several Documents concerning the Brexit and OR obligation. With the end of the Transition Period… Read more
ORO is dedicated to provide best practice guidance and high quality information on EU REACH Only Representative topics.
The Only Representative Organisation (ORO) AISBL is dedicated to discuss and provide guidance on all issues related to Art. 8 of the REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006. ORO represents all Only Representative Service Providers in the European Economic Area (EEA) fulfilling the ORO quality standards.
The majority of our members are professional service providers who consult European companies on Regulatory Affairs. This expertise among the ORO members on regulatory affairs generates a comprehensive background on REACH and Only Representative obligations.
ORO is an accredited stakeholder of ECHA, a permanent observer of ECHA’s Member State Committee and the HelpNet, and an occasional observer of RAC and CARACAL. ORO is registered in the EU’s Transparency Register under the ID-Number 92649098142-18.
Currently we are looking for more Only Representatives who are willing to play an active role in the Only Representative Organisation.
Since 2016 ORO has published several Documents concerning the Brexit and OR obligation. With the end of the Transition Period… Read more
ORO had the opportunity to participate at the ECHA Open Forum Meeting, held in Helsinki 08. Nov. 2016. Dr. Rudolf… Read more
ORO Information paper. Seeking Downstream User status for imported chemicals can be a difficult and risky task. According to the… Read more